Supporting Resourceful Learning

Published Date
Thursday, July 4, 2019

ENWIN Partnership Funds Resource Lounge

July 3, 2019

Windsor, ON: As a community partner of The Safety Village, ENWIN believes in the value of supporting safety education through interactive learning and discovery.

A new and exciting partnership between ENWIN, Parker DKI (an emergency disaster restoration company in Windsor) and The Safety Village is aimed at furthering the positive impact the organization makes on the health and safety of youth and families in our community.

Safety Village Resource Lounge

The Safety Village Resource Lounge was unveiled Wednesday, July 3. ENWIN's Barbara Peirce Marshall joined representatives from Parker DKI and Melissa Lauzon, Executive Director of The Safety Village, to mark the grand opening of the learning space within the lobby of the facility.

Through donations from ENWIN and Parker DKI, the space allows guests to review safety materials, view safety videos and read about current events and programming at The Safety Village. The Resource Lounge is outfitted with comfortable furniture including seating, tables, a large TV and resource racks.



ENWIN's donation of $1,750 was supported by the Community Support Committee. The partnership between ENWIN and Parker DKI is acknowledged on a plaque set within the lounge area.

This latest contribution to The Safety Village demonstrates ENWIN's on-going commitment to public safety, in addition to the existing ENWIN Learning Tables and electrical and water infrastructure safety displays in the mini-city.